Archive for the ‘Blog’ Category

Light the light of LOVE

Want to be happy? Just give your love away- as much as you can-as often as you can- when and wherever you can. And love will come back to you!


Thanksgiving for every meal because it’s a sacred interconnected event!

Let’s come together in praise and thanksgiving daily. Let’s demonstrate our appreciation for all there is, for all we are, connected to the web of life and each other.

When we do, we help our children acknowledge the realms of nature and spirit. In this way, they begin to recognize that in the daily breaking of bread, every meal we eat is a sacred interconnected event.

We are connected to the cycles of the moon, to the rain and shine, the root of the root, the farmer, the plants and the entire Universe in a mouthful!

This is what we honor and bless with all our hearts- right here, right now.

DreamVision7 Radio: Deborah Beauvais Interviews Dr. Roxie 

DreamVision7 Radio: Deborah Beauvais Interviews Dr. Roxie & Patient, Christine Berl Howland, a walking medical miracle who illustrates the potential within each of us to awaken our inner energies using the powerful mind/body healing of the MindWorks for Children series: Guided imagery Relaxation Journeys

ENERGY PRIME TIME new e-course by Dr. Roxanne

Discover amazingly simple but effective “power points” in your day that will bring

fast relief from chaos to calm and Connect With Your Child Like Never Before

Take a look here:


About Dr. Roxie’s Guest:  Christine Berl Howland was just 13 years old when she came to Boston Children’s Hospital where she first met Dr. Roxie, the Expressive Arts Therapist for the bone marrow transplant patients.

Chris knew she faced a serious challenge, “when I was diagnosed with Aplastic Anemia and given 3 to 6 months to live, I immediately told to myself, ‘ I cannot die,’ I never saw myself dying. I always believed I would survive. Chris is here to share her journey; she is a walking medical miracle and illustrates the potential within each of us to awaken our inner energies using mind/body techniques, such a guided imagery and to intentionally access our inner-self, the greatest source of healing.

Today, Chris is a mother of three, Helen 18, Lilia 17, and Hugh 15. Over the years, Dr. Roxie offered guidance to Chris and her children. Currently, Chris works as an Educational Consultant in Upstate New York. She is a graduate of Boston College.

SHOP: MIndWorks for Children relaxation audios

The ABC’s of Educating Your Child’s Inner-Self: The Greatest Source of Healing


Anxiety Relief for Kids
By Dr. Roxanne Daleo

Many parents and teachers have been asking me about the best methods for anxiety relief. There are many effective ways to manage our emotions but I tell you, the most valuable way is to “open your child’s mind to the power within” which is always available for stress relief but must be cultivated. And it is the adult who is responsible for teaching inner balance.

It is not enough to tell our child to go to his room to “calm down,” especially when he says “it’s boring, Mom!” Boredom is a lack of attention and it’s up to us, the adult, to show, don’t tell
by modeling calming ourselves first.

Here are the ABC’s of educating your child’s inner-self: their greatest source of healing.

A -stands for attention. The act of readying the mind is step one. And this condition of readiness can only be achieved with practice by directing the mind to pay attention. How do you teach your child how to listen, see and notice in order learn and understand?
Start by going outdoors. Take paper, colored pencils, water colors or crayons. Ask three questions: “What do you see? Draw it! What do you hear? Bird songs, crickets, rustling leaves, mountain streams, what else? Write a word or phrase to describe it.
What do you feel? Express it! Use your body and facial expressions.” Look for the tiny objects in the natural world- could you find a sooth stone, an acorn or pine cone, a feather, a flower? You model the process for your child and your child will follow your lead.

B -stands for breath. Bring your attention to this moment and to this one…breathe a long, deep breath. Hold that smooth stone in your hand. Let the stone be a reminder of smoothing out the jitters inside you, right now. Notice the beauty all around us. Feel the energy all around you and within you. There is a place within you that is peaceful and cannot be disturbed. Now, reach out and touch the trunk of this mighty oak tree. Breathe the life force energy from the tree to you. Now send energy to the tree with all your heart, say “I love you, thank you for reminding me how to stand still.” Become aware of this energy that goes two ways- like a radio receiver. Breath in- take in the energy of this strong oak tree; imagine the tree giving you energy and now when you breathe out, you can imagine sending out energy to the tree. It’s a rhythm of breathing in and out, a rhythm of receiving and giving.

C– stands for calm. Calm yourself consciously, deliberately. Say to yourself, “I am
the peace of the quiet, forest air” “I am the strength of the mighty oak tree.” “ I am the limitless
possibility of the open blue sky.” Use every word you speak to picture the way you want to be.
You are a powerful, energy being, never forget that! Stand tall and proud. There is a divine spark within you that connects you to the sacred. It is your inner-most self, the greatest source of healing. You have what you need to find your peace and be calm.


1. Stand tall as the mighty oak tree. Imagine your roots go down into the earth and your branches are reaching upward to the sun and sky.
2. You can do this meditation by closing your eyes, taking a deep breath and sending that breath to your feet. Now lift your toes then place them firmly down. Feel the earth beneath your feet. Smell the sweet, soft ground.
3. Now, stretch your arms, reaching up to the sky. Breathe. You can imagine drawing energy from your feet just as the tree draws energy from its roots and sends this energy all the way up its trunk to the tree top. Now, lower your arms and stand tall as a mighty oak tree.
4. Breath in and out slowly, feel the energy flow. You are powerful. Take another breath and go deeper and deeper, totally relaxed. Day by day and in every way you are growing better and better, calmer and calmer.

“The Hat Trick”

Alleviate Anxiety and Activate the Healing Power Within

By Dr. Roxanne Daleo

Allow me to offer you an easy technique for fast relief. Using dramatic play, with little or no prompting, the child places himself into the world of story; it can lasts for a few minutes, hours or even days and all that is needed is a hat!

The child is immediately transported. But don’t be fooled by the simplicity of this shape-shifting “hat trick!” Wise, world cultures have been using it seriously for centuries.

Consider when the Native American Chief places his stunning head dress of valuable eagle feathers, he believes he possesses the powers of that sacred eagle and in doing so connects with the Great Spirit.

Can you self-possess your powers within to access your divine spirit?

In drama class, we make our costumes first to access the inner life or suppose we refer to it as the inner spirit. In many world traditions, the making of a garment can give you protection, such as the Emperor’s robe or King’s crown which is meant to transform the wearer from common place into Royalty, from ordinary into supernatural.

Activate your healing power within.


Jeffery Milbourn’s OMNI ART SALON: * The Child’s Mind Working * – Part 2

Jeffrey’s terrific conversation with Dr. Roxanne Daleo, Harvard University Health Services educator and founder of MindWorks for Children.

Trained in relaxation and stress reduction techniques at the Harvard Medical School, and the use of symbols for healing from the C. G. Jung Institute in Zurich, Switzerland. Dr. Daleo has worked as clinician, instructor and consultant in a wide variety of business and health care settings, and has extensive experience working with children, adults and professionals for patient education, stress management, health promotion and creative art and play therapy programs for the chronic and terminally ill.

MindWorks for Children is a special resource for parents, children, teachers and caregivers to help children and families better cope with normal social and academic pressures children face in school, tests and sports competition, as well as, experiences with nightmares, sickness, hospitalizations, family changes and loss. It also can help parents and professionals reduce worries and fears in children by teaching how to strengthen children’s ability to handle life’s challenges in school, play, and relationships through guided relaxation and meditations designed for stress reduction and how to help themselves feel better, reduce pain and calm down.


Jeffery Milbourn’s OMNI ART SALON: * The Child’s Mind Working * – Part 1

Jeffrey’s terrific conversation with Dr. Roxanne Daleo, Harvard University Health Services educator and founder of MindWorks for Children.


Trained in relaxation and stress reduction techniques at the Harvard Medical School, and the use of symbols for healing from the C. G. Jung Institute in Zurich, Switzerland. Dr. Daleo has worked as clinician, instructor and consultant in a wide variety of business and health care settings, and has extensive experience working with children, adults and professionals for patient education, stress management, health promotion and creative art and play therapy programs for the chronic and terminally ill.


MindWorks for Children is a special resource for parents, children, teachers and caregivers to help children and families better cope with normal social and academic pressures children face in school, tests and sports competition, as well as, experiences with nightmares, sickness, hospitalizations, family changes and loss. It also can help parents and professionals reduce worries and fears in children by teaching how to strengthen children’s ability to handle life’s challenges in school, play, and relationships through guided relaxation and meditations designed for stress reduction and how to help themselves feel better, reduce pain and calm down.

Don’t Push Your Baby Bird Out of the Nest, Ma Ma Honey!

Dr. Roxie reveals the quickest way to ensure your kid takes flight for life-
it’s not what you think!
Happy Mother’s Day Special
Daily Checkpoints the key to raising confident, independent kids- To foster trust, connection and safety, your child needs one important ingredient from you so they have wings to fly!
Come on over to our You Tube channel and find out all the details. Also available StressProof Your Child download.

7 Ways to Celebrate Earth Day

By Dr. Roxanne Daleo
The gift of Mother Earth is life. All is vibrating, all is energy. We are energy beings humming at the same frequency when we tune our human biofield to the earth’s magnetic field. How? Breathe, take in the sunshine and the molecules of genius in the air. We are connecting with the creative force of nature.
Find your own way of connecting with Mother Earth.
1. Light the light of love for life, it’s everywhere!
2. Take off your shoes, walk barefoot.
3. Discover what sings to you and sing back!
4. Jump up and down over the grassy ground.
5. Call in gratitude with all your heart.
6. Dance and drum to the tall trees and breeze.
7. Rest your body in her arms of earth.
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*Reduce Anxiety and Improve Sleep *

*Reduce Anxiety and Improve Sleep *
Dr. Roxie’s Special FREE Conference Call for
100% Anxiety Reduction!
sign up now
The Healing Power of Dreams
By Dr. Roxanne Daleo
Can you remember the magic of childhood walks through “the woods” or the “fairy gardens” of your own backyard? Do you still imagine looking up at the night sky and feeling a connection
with the grand and beautiful Universe?
We all have the capacity to grow our awareness because we are creative, energy beings. On a dark, rainy Saturday, when I was young, my mother would “show” my sisters and I how
easy it was to create something from nothing…the tiny, brown, cup wrappers from Russell Stover’s chocolates became doll house tables, chairs and lamps with a flip and a tear of the paper! Then, she’d leave us to our own devices to create, create, create. My father, a great storyteller, would start a tale at bedtime and often leave us to “finish it in our dreams”.
Well, it was not really nothing – but rather, it was the play from our inner creative selves – from our inner visions and dreams. We used our imagination, ingenuity and a belief in the invisible, creative energy surrounding us and within us at all times.
Many cultures around the world harness the energy of winter darkness and the night sky to tap into their dreams and visions.
The Senoi tribe of Malaysia teaches their young dreamwork. Dreamwork is the process of using images and visions that come from your dreams, your inner life, your imagination or your
unconscious mind. Then all you have to do is play with them… dance with them! You can!
For example, turn a scary dream about falling off a cliff into an empowering dream of flying, soaring up, up into the sky.
Our modern Western culture can learn much from ancient traditions of the world, such as the so-called “primitive” Malaysian or African tribes, Australian aborigines, North American Indians and many more. These cultures value the interconnectedness of all living things – the earth, sky, wind, water, fire and our connection as energetic, human beings.
These cultures have great depth and wisdom to teach us when it comes to physical illness and mental suffering. Finding this wisdom requires a re-examination of what is possible.
To open our minds and hearts as wide as the world, we must re-view our modern ways and our beliefs. When you do, you can own your own authority… know your capacities, trust your intuitions and insights.
Those of us evolving to the possibilities, realize our emerging, modern 21st century civilization can embrace our multi-dimensionality as we advance in medicine, science, education and social consciousness.
Children who have gone through great trials and tribulations at an early age are particularly gifted. They may even tell you they are “guided,” can talk to angels, connect with those who have passed on, know they will be well again, realize miracles are possible, etc.
I have known children who are walking medical miracles.
My own experiences with gravely ill children humbled me to their understanding of life beyond life… and that the whole of life is a school for spiritual growth.
I believe the first required ingredient is “a little willingness” to break the chains that bind us to our old ways of thinking and behaving.
For example, when I ask you to consider “we are not a body,” what happens for you? Can you break through your assumptions, bring your curiosity to bear and make a little room for a new idea, a new possibility?
Can you consider that we can pass through planes… communicate energetically rather than with words… that we can meet “helpers” who are benevolent spirits or “imaginary friends?”
Chronically ill children call them their “playmates;” their companions who accompany the sick child when they are in pain, afraid, alone or in isolation.
Children everywhere know of such companions. It’s the adult mentality that causes many children to abandon these “helpers” and lose the ability to access these guides.
The second ingredient required is focus. Gently turn your attention away from the day; away from the outer, material world. Bring your attention inward to your breathing.
When we do this, we are rewarded by a more expansive awareness and a corresponding insight into our dreams and visions. Then we can know our higher consciousness. We meet our
inner wisdom in the symbols and images of our dreams.
Let’s remember how to create magical dreams. There are six simple steps in the process:
Step 1.Before going to sleep at night, place a glass of water at your bedside table. Take a sip and say to yourself: “As I drink this water, I remember my dream.”
Step 2. Take three deep breaths. Turn your attention away from your outer world. bring your attention inward toward your breathing. Let your self sleep well. Dream a little dream.
Step 3.Activate your belief by feeling your connection with all of life.
Step 4.See your dream as a message. Does your dream make you feel good and happy? Keep it. This will strengthen your body, mind and spirit. Or does your dream scare you? Change it! Fear weakens us in body, mind and spirit.
Step 5.When you wake, repeat this saying. “As I drink this water, I remember my dream.”
Step 6.You may keep a dream journal so you can “see” your dream more closely – write or draw or paint it each day.