
MindWorks for Children was founded by Harvard-trained Health Educator Roxanne Daleo, PhD to help children and families better cope with social and
academic pressures. Based in Harvard, Massachusetts

Renowned clinician, leader, and pioneer in Health Psychology, Dr. Roxie has an unwavering passion for helping children discover their inner resources and realize their own self-worth.

As a counselor in Pediatric Stress Management, specializing in anxious children, and parent coaching. Her training from Harvard University and the Jung Institute combine evidence-based mind/body techniques with expressive arts and anchors her work in one of the most powerful methods for awakening natural healing within.

Her ground-breaking work as Founder of MindWorks for Children provides parents, caregivers and children with alternative solutions to alleviate stress and anxieties. Her use of art, music, guided imagery, and meditation programs allow children to access their own internal source of strength, love and innate gifts.

What experts are saying about Dr. Roxie’s programs:

“Thanks for your thoughtfulness…I would recommend…these [CDs]…it is an area that is fertile. All Love & Light, Wayne”  — Dr. Wayne Dyer

“These audio programs are a wonderful way for children to learn about relaxation, meditation, and taking care of themselves. Dr. Roxanne’s…voice is perfect for relaxation, lovely, friendly, and very effective. I highly recommend these programs to promote health awareness in children”                          —  Christine Northrup, M.D., author of Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom