“Like a bend in the road ahead
Trust your path is a golden thread.”
Imagine a golden thread connecting you to what’s ahead with a feeling of curiosity! The
unknown and unseen does not have to be scary. Let’s teach our children and remind ourselves
we can stay with the discomfort for a moment instead of pushing it away.
Good mental health does not mean being happy all the time. Health: emotionally and mentally
means you can experience distress and depression without getting lost and having the emotions
get in the way of functioning well. The experience of unwanted emotions is a normal and natural
part of life.
When we make room for the unexpected and keep walking forward one step at a time, even
though we cannot see beyond the bend in the road, we teach ourselves that feelings are just
information. By accessing the information, we are better able to manage our emotions rather
than having emotions debilitate us.
Would you like a free laser coaching session with Dr. Roxanne? To “Unlock Your Body’s
Potential for Healing” Download the free stress symptom checklist
For the free laser coaching session: GO HERE.