Mind/Body Healing Techniques Combined With Expressive Arts Therapies
with Dr. Roxanne Daleo
I. Presentation Description:
Working from the premise that according to years of psychological literature, the unconscious represents information symbolically, therefore it is an appropriate lens through which to view our inner life. Also, applied here is the mind/body research
known as psychoneuroimmunology from which evidence establishes that higher nervous system centers effect astonishing changes in the body functions. Combined the use of
both are a powerful process which helps individuals discover through their own efforts
insight and inner resources to induce self-healing.
II. Learning Objectives:
a to familiarize students with basic theories of mind/body research
b to promote an appreciation of the role of art as a healing process
c to aid students in applying the understanding of the combining these two
modalities in their work with children and adults in educational and health care
d) to develop a repertoire of skills in mind/body healing techniques combined with
expressive arts therapies
About the Author:
Roxanne Daleo, Ph.D. is a Health Educator with specialized training in relaxation and stress reduction techniques from the Harvard Medical School, Division of Behavioral Medicine. Her expertise is based on over 20 years of experience with chronic and terminally ill, meeting the emotional needs of children and adults using expressive arts therapies both at Boston Children’s Hospital and Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center. Dr. Daleo’s doctoral studies took an anthropological, cross-cultural approach in the use of symbols for healing from the C. G. Jung Institute in Zurich, Switzerland.
Dr. Daleo is best known as creator of the highly acclaimed, MindWorks for Children: Guided Imagery Relaxation Journeys. She continues to design and produce audio-visual programs for patient education, health promotion and expressive arts.
She sits on the Board of Directors for the International Expressive Arts Therapy Association (IEATA) as Co-Chair of Educational Resources Committee.
Program begins January 6, 2019
For more information or to register, please contact DR. ROXANNE directly at