There is an incredibly powerful and fast moving potential available to you in this New Year. Realize the hum of our planet is rising in response to the high frequency, incoming light activating your heart center. We change our future with our consciousness. Live from your inner wisdom and wholeness.
You are a magnificent, energy being. Your heart is already switched into the mode to receive, to upgrade, to step into yet another band width of energy. We are being asked to change how we live and to focus inwards to become more loving to ourselves and others. Become the master of your energy!
The New Year is like writing a new chapter in your book of life.
I am a New Year.
I am a clean page in my book of life.
I am my next chance at the art of being love.
I am an opportunity.
I am original.
I am open to receive grace.
I am all that I dream.
I am all I believe.
I am the spirit of purpose.
I am the song of power – joy, joy, joy.
I am all the goodness and determination
I can awaken and energize with my heart’s desire on this and each new day.