The Breath of Intention

By Dr. Roxanne Daleo

Breathing is natural. It’s given to you the day you’re born. Without breath, you have no life. 

But with breath, you have power! Everyone on the planet is given this gift. It’s yours… it’s the gift of life.

You’re breathing all the time, and yet you can forget that you are breathing. You can go through your day without awareness of breath – without awareness of your power. This is the gift, that your breath is a tool. 

Discover how to use your gift, and you’ll know your self. Know your self, and you’ll know your power; a silent power.

You have the ability to use your breath with intention. Using the Breath of Intention changes everything. Let me explain…

I once heard a story of a sea captain who sailed around the world using just his breath to fill his sails.  

If you have no breath, you cannot sail. If you cannot sail, you cannot move forward.  If you want to go anywhere, breathe… breathe deep to give wind to your sails.

Like the sea captain, breathe into your sails with all your might. Breathe with all your intention. Breathe with all your desire, passion and determination. You do this by holding within your mind and heart the picture of where you want to go.

You see? You’re creating all the time, whether you know it or not. So why not create intentionally? Why not use the power of intention, the breath of intention?

When you have no intention, it’s as if you’re lost. Like filling the sails of your boat, but your boat has no rudder, no way to navigate the seas. The rudder is what the captain uses to steer his boat. The rudder determines which direction your boat will sail. Do you understand? Lost intention is like going through your day – your life journey – without anything to give you direction.

Without a rudder, you will only flutter-

Without a sail, you’d surely fail.

With the two together: vision and desire, you can harness the wind and have a way to steer the direction of your boat- your life. 

You have the ability to create. You were born with it. So use your Breath of Intention – it’s natural; it’s your nature.

Unless you have a want – a desire – you cannot move forward. Although your desire is invisible, it has energy. Your thinking is the invisible force that fills the sails and moves your boat forward. Your thinking of what you desire and the “feeling good” feeling, the “feeling happy” feeling, about your vision is what moves you forward. It moves you in the direction of your desire.

To activate and energize your desire, use your Breath of Intention. You do this by holding the vision of what you desire as if you already have it. Feeling the happy feeling of having that vision NOW.

Your breath is constant; it’s a gift. Grab hold of it! Too many people lose focus.  Know that you can choose differently – it’s all in the rudder. You decide where you want to go. So ask yourself, “What do I want? What do I truly want?” 

Remember: Breath is life, and what you decide to do with your life is up to you. No one can breathe for you! Remember: treasures are hidden. But if you look deep enough, you’ll always find a treasure. Just be willing to look; be willing to try. Be willing to uncover the treasure of the love, peace and joy you are. And you’ll never lose your way.

Five Keys to Activate Your Silent Power 

Become aware.   Without awareness of your inner power and your breath of intention, you can blow as hard as you like, but you’ll only blow yourself in circles. Without a rudder, you go no where fast! Remember to become aware 

of the vision you hold – it will move you forward in that direction. 

Make an Intention. Make a decision to focus on what you intend to do. Is it exercise more, eat less? Or find the best “feeling good” feeling you can?

Become Fearless. Fear and doubt cancel out the breath of intention. Fear puts holes in your sails! Fear and intention can’t be mixed. If you hold onto your intention, you can access your power. And that intention, that power, has energy 

to activate your desire.

Become Responsible. Take responsibility for knowing the truth. The truth is you are love and peace and joy. This gives your vision life. You can hoist your sails and decide what you want. Breathe life into the sails of your intention. 

Become A Creator.  Be one who knows what they want and use your gift.

Breathe life into your intention by feeling what it will feel like to be where you want to be. Feel the energy of intention. You activate intention with desire

and commitment to never give up on yourself.  When you activate commitment, you create more breath, more energy, more power. Then, this silent power in you gives you the feeling as if that which you intend is already done. 

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